2021 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Member Request)

Chief Patron: Hanger
CO - JMU - East Campus Steam Plant, Phase I

Item C-17.1 #1s

Item C-17.1 #1s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Capital Projects
James Madison University FY2021 $0 FY2022 $4,605,466 GF
FY2021 $0 FY2022 $1,973,771 NGF

Page 618, after line 22, insert:

"C-17.1 Improvements: East Campus Steam Plant, Phase I$0$6,579,237
Fund Sources:  General
                            Higher Education Operating
$1,973,771 "


(This amendment provides funding for Phase 1 of improvements and upgrades to the East Campus Steam Plant project at James Madison University. Both boilers and one chiller are at risk for catastrophic failure. The original East Campus Steam Plant, purchased from the City of Harrisonburg in 2017, housed two trash-burning boilers and a steam turbine; it now houses two 35,000 pph boilers, three steam-turbine driven chillers, one electric chiller, and two cooling towers. The existing boiler equipment and the #2 chiller is rundown and a serious risk for catastrophic failure which would cause the university to shutter buildings. It is critical to remove and replace the existing 35,000 pph boilers, #2 chiller immediately and associated equipment to continue to heat and cool 582,128 sq ft of academic and E&G space. Total project cost for this phase of work is $6,579,237 and includes $4,605,466 in general funds and $1,973,771 in auxiliary nongeneral funds. Future phases of this project will include the new boilers relocating to the future boiler building and an additional 80,000 pph boiler to increase current boiler capacity from 180,000 pph to 250,000 pph to cover existing and proposed future loads.)