2021 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Tran
Language Access for State Government Services (language only)

Item 52 #4h

Item 52 #4h

Executive Offices
Office of the Governor


Page 47, after line 28, insert:

"G. The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion shall develop recommendations to implement a language access policy for Virginia state government to ensure equitable access to state services for Virginians who are limited English proficient. The Office shall consult with relevant state agencies, organizations serving immigrants and refugees in Virginia, and applicable Virginia Advisory Boards. In developing the recommendations, the Office shall identify current practices in Virginia state agencies and best practices from other states and localities, assess applicable federal requirements, consider relevant data pertaining to Virginia's immigrant community, and identify a plan, including timeline, fiscal impact, and methods for making translated materials available to the public, that would be required for implementing a language access policy."


(This amendment directs the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to develop recommendations to implement a language access policy for improved acess to state services.)