2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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View Budget Item amendments

Chief Patron: Stanley
Local Fines and Fees (language only)

Item 3-6.05 #2s

Item 3-6.05 #2s

Adjustments and Modifications to Fees
Deposit of Fines and Fees

Page 518, line 23, strike "AND FEES".
Page 518, strike lines 24 through 37 and insert:
"A. Each year by May 1 the Auditor of Public Accounts shall calculate the fines reversion amount defined as equal to one-half of (i) the total of the local fines and forfeitures collected by the District Courts in the immediately preceding fiscal year less (ii) 65 percent of the total fines and forfeitures collected by the District Courts for such prior fiscal year for each locality.
B. The Auditor of Public Accounts shall provide written notice to each locality of the amount of its fines reversion as defined in A. above and shall provide a copy of the notice to the State Comptroller.
C. Each locality receiving notice that it has a fines reversion as defined in A. above shall submit a payment to the State Comptroller for the entire amount of the reversion by August 1 for deposit into the Literary Fund."

(This amendment adjusts the formula by which local collections of fines and fees based on local ordinances may not exceed a certain threshold of the total collections of fines and fees. This amendment removes fees from the calculation of the formula and specifies that one half of the amount by which collections of local fines and forfeitures exceeds 65 percent of total collections is to be returned to the Literary Fund.)