2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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DGIF: Surplus Property (language only)

Item C-25.10 #1c

Item C-25.10 #1c

Natural Resources
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

Page 481, line 36, after "The" strike "Executive".
Page 481, line 37, strike "transfer" and insert:
"declare as surplus in accordance with state surplus property regulations".
Page 481, line 39, strike "PID #7787-34-5926" and insert:
"PID #7787-34-5925".
Page 481, line 40, strike "6.03" and insert "5.67".
Page 481, line 40, strike "to the Virginia Department of Transportation." and insert:
", provided that Hanover County shall be offered the right of first refusal to purchase at fair market value the two parcels for economic development purposes."

(This amendment authorizes the Department of General Services to offer two existing parcels for sale at fair market value to the jurisdiction in which the property is located, or declare the parcels as surplus.)