2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

eVA-Cardinal Integration: Technical Correction (language only)

Item 76 #1c

Item 76 #1c

Department of General Services

Page 63, line 18, strike "I" and insert "2".
Page 63, line 18, after "rollout" insert:
", no later than February 15, 2017".
Page 63, line 19, strike "January" and insert "July".
Page 63, line 25, strike "is" and insert:
"and the Department of Accounts are".
Page 63, line 27, after "subsection." insert:
"Department of Accounts costs for integration services it procures must be approved by the Department of General Services prior to issuing a purchase order or incurring such costs, as the Department of General Services is expected to pay those costs."

(This amendment reflects the consensus of the Department of General Services and the Department of accounts regarding the updated integration status of the eVA procurement system and the Cardinal financial management system.)