2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Restore Treasurers Language re Delinquent Accounts (language only)

Item 70 #1c

Item 70 #1c

Compensation Board

Page 54, line 37, unstrike "Effective".
Page 54, line 37, after "Effective" insert "July 1, 2015,".
Page 54, line 38, unstrike "as provided in § 19.2-349, Code of Virginia, treasurers".  
Page 54, line 38, after "treasurers" insert:
"not being compensated on a contingency basis as of January 1, 2015".
Page 54, line 38, unstrike "shall".
Page 54, unstrike line 39.
Page 54, line 40, unstrike: "administrative cost pursuant to § 58.1-3958, Code of Virginia."
Page 54, line 38, after "Virginia." insert:
"Treasurers currently collecting a contingency fee shall be eligible to contract on a contingency fee basis until June 30, 2018.  Effective July 1, 2015, any treasurer collecting a contingency fee shall retain only the expenses of collection, and the excess collection shall be divided between the state and the locality in the same manner as if the collection had been done by the attorney for the Commonwealth."
Page 54, line 40, strike "Collections fees shall be paid".
Page 54, line 41, strike "on a contingency basis out of the proceeds of the amount collected."

(This amendment amends language regarding the policies for reimbursing local Treasurers who contract with Commonwealth's Attorneys to collect delinquent fines, costs, forfeitures, penalties, and restitution. The language allows the six Treasurers currently contracting with the Commonwealth's Attorneys on a contingency basis to continue to do so through June 2018 and requires that any collections received by the Treasurers in excess of their costs be split on a 50-50 basis between the Commonwealth and the locality, consistent with the policy for Commonwealth's Attorneys.)