2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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HB 2178 & SB 1162 - 403 (B) Plans

Item 484 #2c

Item 484 #2c

First Year - FY2015 Second Year - FY2016
Independent Agencies
Virginia Retirement System FY2015 $0 FY2016 $440,000 NGF

Page 463, line 31, strike "$28,759,424" and insert "$29,199,424".

(This amendment provides $440,000 from the nongeneral fund in administrative funding for the VRS to implement the provisions of House Bill 2178 and Senate Bill 1162 of the 2015 General Assembly session which gives school boards the option of allowing their teachers the choice of participating in the 403(B) private retirement fund as an alternative to the optional DC contribution for the hybrid retirement plan.)