2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Revenue Reserve - Salary Adjustments and VRS Rates

Item 467 #2c

Item 467 #2c

First Year - FY2015 Second Year - FY2016
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2015 $0 FY2016 $113,912,441 GF

Page 427, line 40, strike "$111,816,543" and insert "$225,728,984".
Page 433, after line 24 insert:
"O.1. The Governor is hereby authorized to allocate a sum of up to $113,912,441 from this appropriation to the extent necessary to offset any downward revisions of the general fund revenue estimate prepared for fiscal years 2015 and 2016 after the enactment by the General Assembly of the 2015 Appropriation Act.  If within 5 days of the preliminary close of the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2015, the Comptroller's analysis does not determine that a revenue re-forecast is required pursuant to § 2.2-1503.3, Code of Virginia, then such appropriation shall be used only for employee compensation purposes as stated in paragraphs P., Q., R., S., and T. below.
2. Furthermore, the $52,865,368 allocated to support the state share of a one and one-half percent salary adjustment for SOQ funded positions authorized in Item 136 of this act shall be unallotted if the provisions of paragraph O.1. are not met and the actions authorized in paragraphs P., Q., R., S., and T. of this item are not effectuated.
P.1. Contingent on the provisions of paragraph O.1. above, the base salary of the following employees shall be increased by two percent on August 10, 2015, for state employees:
a. Full-time and other classified employees of the Executive Department subject to the Virginia Personnel Act;
b. Full-time employees of the Executive Department not subject to the Virginia Personnel Act, except officials elected by popular vote;
c. Any official whose salary is listed in § 4-6.01 of this act, subject to the ranges specified in the agency head salary levels in § 4-6.01 c; and
d. Full-time professional staff of the Governor's Office, the Lieutenant Governor's Office, the Attorney General's Office, Cabinet Secretaries Offices, including the Deputy Secretaries, the Virginia Liaison Office, and the Secretary of the Commonwealth's Office.
e. Heads of agencies in the Legislative Department;
f. Full-time employees in the Legislative Department, other than officials elected by popular vote; and
g. Secretaries and administrative assistants as provided for in Item 1 of this act.
h. Judges and Justices in the Judicial Department;
i. Heads of agencies in the Judicial Department; and,
j. Full-time employees in the Judicial Department.
k. Commissioners of the State Corporation Commission and the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, the Chief Executive Officer of the Virginia College Savings Plan, and the Directors of the Virginia Lottery, and the Virginia Retirement System;
l. Full-time employees of the State Corporation Commission, the Virginia College Savings Plan, the Virginia Lottery, Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, and the Virginia Retirement System.
2.a. Employees in the Executive Department subject to the Virginia Personnel Act shall receive the salary increases authorized in this paragraph only if they attained at least a rating of "Contributor" on their latest performance evaluation.
b. Salary increases authorized in this paragraph for employees in the Judicial and Legislative Departments, employees of Independent agencies, and employees of the Executive Department not subject to the Virginia Personnel Act shall be consistent with the provisions of this paragraph, as determined by the appointing or governing authority.  However, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the governing authorities of those state institutions of higher education with employees not subject to the Virginia Personnel Act may implement salary increases for such employees that may vary based on performance and other employment-related factors
The appointing or governing authority shall certify to the Department of Human Resource Management that employees receiving the awards are performing at levels at least comparable to the eligible employees as set out in subparagraph 2.a. of this paragraph.
3. The Department of Human Resource Management shall increase the minimum and maximum salary for each band within the Commonwealth's Classified Compensation Plan by two percent on August 10, 2015.  The Department of Human Resource Management shall increase the maximum salary for each band within the Commonwealth's Classified Compensation Plan by two percent plus an additional $1,950 on August 10, 2015, for purposes of implementing the salary compression compensation adjustment authorized in paragraph Q. of this item. No salary increase shall be granted to any employee as a result of this action.  The department shall develop policies and procedures to be used in instances where employees fall below the entry level for a job classification due to poor performance.  Movement through the revised pay band shall be based on employee performance.
4. Out of the amounts for Supplements to Employee Compensation is included $37,847,008 the second year from the general fund to support the general fund portion of costs associated with the salary increase provided in this paragraph.
5. The following agency heads, at their discretion, may utilize agency funds or the funds provided pursuant to this paragraph to implement the provisions of new or existing performance-based pay plans:
a. The heads of agencies in the Legislative and Judicial Departments;
b. The Commissioners of the State Corporation Commission and the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission;
c. The Attorney General;
d. The Director of the Virginia Retirement System;
e. The Director of the Virginia Lottery;
f. The Director of the University of Virginia Medical Center;
g. The Executive Director of the Virginia College Savings Plan; and
h. The Executive Director of the Virginia Port Authority.
6. The base rates of pay, and related employee benefits, for wage employees may be increased by up to two percent no earlier than August 10, 2015.  The cost of such increases for wage employees shall be borne by existing funds appropriated to each agency.
7. The governing authorities of those state institutions of higher education with employees may provide a salary adjustment based on performance and other employment-related factors, as long as the increases do not exceed the two percent increase on average.    
Q. Contingent on the provisions of paragraph O.1. above and subsequent to effectuating the salary adjustment authorized in paragraph P. of this item, the base salary of employees listed in P.1. above, except those specifically excluded in subparagraph Q.1, shall be adjusted to address state employee salary compression effective August 10, 2015 as follows:
1. Employees excluded from the compression adjustment include:  
a) Faculty at public institutions of higher education;
b) Judges and Justices of the Judicial Department;
c) Commissioners of the State Corporation Commission;
d) Commissioners of the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission;
e) Employees of public institutions of higher education who are not faculty but are also not subject to the Virginia Personnel Act;  
f)  Legislative Assistants who are employees of individual members of the General Assembly.
2. Sworn employees of the Department of State Police, who have three or more years of continuous state service shall receive $80 for each full year of service.
3. Except for those listed in subparagraph 2. above, employees who have five years or more of continuous state service shall be increased by $65 for each full year of service up to thirty years.
4. Employees in the Executive Department subject to the Virginia Personnel Act shall receive the salary increases authorized in this paragraph only if they attained at least a rating of "Contributor" on their latest performance evaluation.
5. The Department of Human Resource Management shall develop guidelines and procedures for implementation of this salary compression compensation adjustment.
6. Out of the appropriation Employee Compensation Supplements, $26,277,547 the second year from the general fund is included to support the general fund costs associated with the salary adjustment authorized in this paragraph.
R.1. Contingent on the provisions of paragraph O.1. above, the base salary of the following employees shall be increased by two percent on September 1, 2015:
a. Locally elected constitutional officers;
b. General Registrars and members of local electoral boards;
c. Full-time employees of locally elected constitutional officers and,
d. Full-time employees of Community Services Boards, Centers for Independent Living, secure detention centers supported by Juvenile Block Grants, juvenile delinquency prevention and local court service units, local social services boards, local pretrial services act and comprehensive community corrections act employees, and local health departments where a memorandum of understanding exists with the Virginia Department of Health.
2. Out of the appropriation for Supplements to Employee Compensation is included $13,302,324 the second year from the general fund to support the costs associated with the salary increase provided in this paragraph.
S. Contingent on the provisions of paragraph O.1. above, $357,664 from the  general fund is provided to support the general fund costs associated with increases in the internal service fund rates for the Virginia Information Technology Agency and the Department of General Services to reflect the impact of the salary  actions authorized in paragraphs  P and Q of this Item.
T.1. Contingent on the provisions of paragraph O.1. above, and pursuant to the recommendation of the state employee compensation work group established by paragraph B of Item 255, Chapter 806 of the Acts of Assembly of 2013, there is herewith appropriated a sum of $3,786,466 to be used exclusively for a two percent adjustment to the base salary of state employees in the following high turnover job roles effective August 10, 2015 for the purposes of relieving salary compression and maintaining market relevance:
a. Law Enforcement Officer I
b. Direct Service Associate I
c. Direct Service Associate II
d. Direct Service Associate III
e. Housekeeping and/or Apparel Worker I
f. Probation Officer Assistant
g. Emergency Coordinator I
h. Emergency Coordinator II
i. Registered Nurse I
j. Registered Nurse II/Nurse Practitioner I/Physician's Assistant
k. Licensed Practical Nurse
l. Therapy Assistant/Therapist I
m. Therapist II
n. Compliance / Safety Officer II
o. District Court Deputy Clerk, Grade 6
p. District Court Deputy Clerk, Grade 7
q. District Court Deputy Clerk, Grade 8
2.a Employees in the Executive Department subject to the Virginia Personnel Act shall receive the salary increases authorized in this paragraph only if they attained at least a rating of "Contributor" on their latest performance evaluation.
b. Salary increases authorized in this paragraph for employees in the Judicial and Legislative Departments, employees of Independent agencies, and employees of the Executive Department not subject to the Virginia Personnel Act shall be consistent with the provisions of this paragraph, as determined by the appointing or governing authority. The governing authorities of those agencies and state institutions of higher education with employees not subject to the Virginia Personnel Act shall certify to the Department of Human Resource Management that employees receiving the awards are performing at levels at least comparable to the eligible employees as set out in subparagraph 2.a. of this paragraph.
3. The salary increase authorized in this paragraph is intended to be in addition to any other salary increase authorized in this act.
T.  Contingent on the provisions of subparagraph O.1. above, included in the amounts appropriated for employee benefits in this item is $32,341,432 from the general fund the second year to increase the employer retirement contribution rates authorized in paragraph H.2. of this item, effective August 10, 2015, up to ninety percent of the board certified rate for state employees (14.22%), state police officers (27.83%), members of the Virginia Law Officers Retirement System (19.00%), and members of the judicial retirement system (50.20%)."

(This amendment earmarks $113.9 million from the general fund in the second year, contingent on specific revenue requirements, for compensation actions for state employees and state supported local employees and to increase the retirement contribution rates for the state employee, SPORS, VaLORS, and JRS plans up to 90% of the Board certified rates. Language further stipulates that funding provided for the state's share of the salary incentive in Item 136 is also contingent on the specific revenue requirements.)