2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Area Offices Review (language only)

Item 414 #4c

Item 414 #4c

Public Safety
Department of State Police

Page 362, after line 26, insert:
"P. The Department of State Police shall review the current configuration of area offices statewide to determine if there are certain geographical or other measurable factors which should be considered in the alignment of area offices.  The Department shall determine whether such factors would justify the creation of any additional area offices in order to achieve material improvements in operational efficiency, response time, or other performance measures related to public safety.  A report on the department's findings and recommendations shall be provided to the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, the Department of Planning and Budget, and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by October 1, 2015."

(This amendment directs the Department of State Police to review the current configuration of area offices statewide.)