2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Corrections Special Reserve Fund

Item 385 #2c

Item 385 #2c

First Year - FY2015 Second Year - FY2016
Public Safety
Department of Corrections FY2015 $0 FY2016 $450,000 GF

Page 342, line 17, strike "$101,118,441" and insert "$101,568,441".
Page 344, line 29, strike "$150,000" and insert "$600,000".
Page 344, strike lines 34 through 40 and insert:
"1. House Bill 1427 -- $50,000
2. House Bill 1493 -- $50,000
3. House Bill 1702 -- $50,000
4. House Bill 1807 and Senate Bill 1231 -- $50,000
5. House Bill 1839 -- $50,000
6. House Bill 1964 and Senate Bill 1188 -- $150,000
7. House Bill 2040 -- $50,000
8. House Bill 2070 and Senate Bill 1424 -- $50,000
9. House Bill 2385 -- $50,000
10. Senate Bill 1056 -- $50,000".

(This amendment provides for the required deposit of $600,000 the second year from the general fund into the Corrections Special Reserve Fund, pursuant to § 30-19.1:4 of the Code of Virginia. This deposit addresses the correctional fiscal impact of the bills as listed. The budget as introduced included a deposit of $150,000 related to three bills which were not adopted. The combination of the $150,000 in the introduced budget, plus the $450,000 added by this amendment, provides the required total deposit of $600,000 for the bills as listed in this item. The amendment also eliminates references in the introduced budget related to the three bills which were not adopted. The individual amounts associated with each bill as listed are contingent upon final adoption of each bill.)