2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Military Affairs Line of Credit (language only)

Item 3-2.03 #1c

Item 3-2.03 #1c

Working Capital Funds and Lines of Credit
Lines of Credit

Page 507, after line 48, insert:
"Department of Military Affairs..................$5,000,000".
Page 508, after line 15, insert:
"g. The State Comptroller is hereby authorized to provide a line of credit of up to $5,000,000 to the Department of Military Affairs to cover the actual costs of responding to State Active Duty.  The line of credit will be repaid as the Department of Military Affairs is reimbursed from federal or other funds, other than Department of Military Affairs funds."

(This amendment authorizes a line of credit to cover expenses incurred by the Department of Military Affairs when the Virginia National Guard is called up for State Active Duty.)