2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Work Group on COPN Process (language only)

Item 278 #2c

Item 278 #2c

Health and Human Resources
Secretary of Health and Human Resources

Page 238, after line 45, insert:
"C. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall convene a work group that shall include health care providers, consumers of health care services, representatives of the business community, and other stakeholders to review the current certificate of public need process and the impact of such process on health care services in the Commonwealth, and the need for changes to the current certificate of public need process.  In conducting such review, the work group shall evaluate: (i) the process by which applications for certificates of public need are reviewed, the criteria upon which decisions about issuance of certificates of public need are based, and barriers to issuance of a certificate of public need; (ii) the frequency with which applications for a certificate are approved or denied; (iii) fees charged for review of applications for a certificate of public need and the cost to the Commonwealth of processing applications for a certificate of public need; (iv) applications for and the impact of the current certificate of public need process on establishment of new  health care services, including the establishment of new intermediate-level or specialty-level neonatal special care services and open heart surgery services and the addition of new beds or operating rooms at existing medical care facilities; (v) the relationship between the certificate of public need process and the provision of charity care in the Commonwealth and the impact of the certificate of public need process on the provision of charity care in the Commonwealth; (vi)  the impact of the  certificate of public need process on graduate medical education programs and teaching hospitals in the Commonwealth; (vii) the efficacy of regional health planning agencies, the role of regional health planning agencies in the certificate of public need process, and barriers to the continued role of regional health planning agencies in the certificate of public need process; and (viii) the frequency with which the State Medical Facilities Plan is updated and whether such plan should be updated more frequently. The work group shall develop specific recommendations for changes to the certificate of public need process to address any problems or challenges identified during such review, which shall include recommendations for changes to the process to be introduced during the 2016 Session of the General Assembly and any additional changes that may require further study or review. In conducting its review and developing its recommendations, the work group shall consider data and information about the current certificate of public need process in the Commonwealth, the impact of such process, and any data or information about similar processes in other states. The Secretary shall report on the recommendations developed by the work group to the Chairmen of the House Committees on Appropriations and Health, Welfare and Institutions and the Senate Committees of Finance and Education and Health by December 1, 2015."

(This amendment requires the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to convene a work group to examine the need for changes to the current certificate of public need process and to report any recommendations to House Committees on Appropriations and Health, Welfare and Institutions, and Senate Committees of Finance and Education and Health by December 1, 2015.)