2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Direct Aid-Local Govt. and School Consolidation (language only)

Item 136 #3c

Item 136 #3c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 117, strike line 39, and insert:
"c.1) Notwithstanding the funding provisions in §  22.1-25 D. of the Code of Virginia, additional state funding for future consolidations shall be as set forth in future Appropriation Acts."
Page 117, strike lines 40 through 54.
Page 117, line 57, strike "Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph c.1) the" and insert "The".
Page 118, line 4, strike "Pursuant to paragraph c.1) above, if" and insert "If".
Page 118, line 13, strike "Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph c.1) the" and insert "The".

(This amendment reflects a recommendation of the September 2014 Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission's Report on Local Government and School Division Consolidation to eliminate current references to additional state funding for future consolidations based on the local composite index, pending additional analysis. The amendment does not change the current funding status of previous consolidations. The report found that the current approach has minimal analytical basis or link to costs, benefits, or complexity. There is a companion amendment in Item 107, Department of Housing and Community Development, Commission on Local Government under the Governmental Affairs Services.)