2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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PreK Balances for Start-up Grants (language only)

Item 136 #12c

Item 136 #12c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 136, line 41, strike "In the second year only, additional slots shall,".
Page 136, strike lines 42 through 51.
Page 136, after line 51, insert  "Programs operating".
Page 137, line 14, strike "The number of eligible children".
Page 137, strike lines 15 and 16.
Page 138, strike lines 10 through 12.
Page 138, after line 12, insert:
"e. The Department of Education shall include in the program's application package specific information regarding the potential availability of funding for supplemental grants that may be used for one-time expenses, other than capital, related to start-up or expansion of programs, with priority given to proposals for expanding the use of partnerships with either nonprofit or for-profit providers.  Furthermore, the Department is mandated to communicate to all eligible school divisions the remaining available balances in the program's adopted budget, after the fall participation reports have been submitted and finalized for such grants. "

(This amendment requires DOE to offer any unobligated balances for one-time grants, with priority to proposals to expand the use of partnerships with either nonprofit or for-profit providers, as is currently allowed but limited in actual use. This is in lieu of new provisions proposed in the introduced budget authorizing unused but appropriated funds for the Virginia Preschool Initiative for at-risk four-year-olds to school divisions that have used 100 percent of their state allocated slots and also have waiting lists beginning the second year (instead of sweeping end-of-year balances that may exist even after assumed nonparticipation). Under the introduced budget, the number of slots allocated would have been determined using the balance of the number of slots estimated to calculate the fiscal year 2016 appropriation and the number of actual slots to be used for fiscal year 2016 as reported on the May 15th Pre-K grant proposals submitted by school divisions. Current budget language authorizes DOE to expend unobligated balances for grants to qualifying school divisions for one-time expenses, other than capital, related to start-up or expansion of programs.)