2015 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

High School Innovation Grant

Item 135 #11c

Item 135 #11c

First Year - FY2015 Second Year - FY2016
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2015 $0 FY2016 $250,000 GF

Page 110, line 17, strike "$16,828,349" and insert "$17,078,349".
Page 113, after line 30, insert:
"W.  This appropriation includes $250,000 the second year from the general fund to support five competitive grants, not to exceed $50,000 each, for planning the implementation of systemic High School Program Innovation by either individual school division or consortium of school divisions.   The local applicant(s) selected to conduct this systemic approach to high school reform, in consultation with the Department of Education, will develop and plan innovative approaches to engage and to motivate students through personalized learning and instruction leading to demonstrated mastery of content, as well as skills development of career readiness.  Essential elements of high school innovation include: (1) student centered learning, with progress based on student demonstrated proficiency; (2) 'real-world' connections that promote alignment with community work-force needs and emphasize transition to college and/or career; and (3) varying models for educator supports and staffing.  Individual school divisions or consortia will be invited to apply on a competitive basis by submitting a grant application that includes descriptions of key elements of innovations, a detailed budget, expectations for outcomes and student achievement benefits, evaluation methods, and plans for sustainability.  The Department of Education will make the final determination of which school divisions or consortia of divisions will receive the year-long planning grant for High School Innovation.  Any school division or consortium of divisions which desires to apply for this competitive grant must submit a proposal to the Department of Education by June 1 preceding the school year in which the planning for systemic high school innovation is to take place."

(This amendment provides $250,000 the second year from the general fund to support five grants of up to $50,000 each for planning for High School Program Innovation.)