2015 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1400 (Conference Report)

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Reuse of Encroachment Proceeds

Item 458 #1c

Item 458 #1c

First Year - FY2015 Second Year - FY2016
Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security
Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs FY2015 $0 FY2016 $2,350,000 NGF

Page 423, after line 15, insert:
"D.  In addition to the amounts provided in paragraph A.1. of this item, an amount estimated at $2,100,000 from dedicated special revenues shall be provided to the locality in which the United States Navy Master Jet Base auxiliary landing field is located, for the purpose of purchasing property or development rights and otherwise converting such property to an appropriate compatible use and prohibiting new uses or development which is deemed incompatible with air operations arising from such Master Jet Base.  In addition, $250,000 from dedicated special revenues shall be provided to a locality in which a U.S. Air Force Base is located to purchase property in the Clear Zone and Accident Potential Zones and mitigate adverse impacts on military operations and employment levels caused by encroachment of incompatible uses, in advance of further actions by the federal Base Realignment and Closure Commission or any similar federal actions.  The provisions of paragraph B. of this item shall apply to the distribution of the funds in this paragraph."

(This amendment reflects the nongeneral fund proceeds from the resale of property purchased with state funds provided for BRAC encroachment at the Navy Master Jet Base and the auxiliary landing field and reuses the state share of the proceeds to continue purchasing land to limit encroachment at the auxiliary landing field and at an Air Force base.)