2015 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1400 (Committee Approved)

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VMI Stonewall Jackson House

Item C-19.01 #1h

Item C-19.01 #1h

First Year - FY2015 Second Year - FY2016
Education: Higher Education
Virginia Military Institute FY2015 $0 FY2016 $208,000 NGF

Page 478, line 25, strike "$1,392,000" and insert "$1,600,000".
Page 478, line 24, strike "Renovate and Enlarge Stonewall" and insert:
"Stonewall Jackson Improvements and Truman House Renovation (18175)".
Page 478, line 25, strike "Jackson House Museum Facilities (18175)".
Page 478, line 26, strike "Bond Proceeds" and insert:
"Higher Education Operating".

(This amendment requests a technical title change, fund source changes, and corrections to project cost.)