2005 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Amend 9(d) bond authorization for four capital projects (language only)

Item C-199 #1c

Item C-199 #1c

Central Appropriations
9(D) Revenue Bonds

Page 542, line 41, strike "$602,665,000" and insert "$608,666,000".
Page 543, after line 35, insert:
"Construct Soccer Fields                    C-38.01  17146  $1,751,000  $0  $1,751,000
Renovate Lancer Gymnasium
and Willett Hall                                     C-38.03  17147   $1,650,000  $0  $1,650,000".
Page 544, after line 49, insert:
"Virginia State University
Renovate Rogers Stadium                 C-124.05   16121   $2,600,000  $0  $2,600,000".
Page 544, line 55, strike "$602,665,000" and insert "608,666,000".
Page 544, line 55, strike $757,370,000" and insert "$763,371,000".
Page 544, after line 55, insert:
"The appropriation for James Madison University to "Acquire Property on Cantrell Avenue" in this item constitutes the first phase of this acquisition.  It is anticipated that sufficient general fund and nongeneral fund appropriations will be provided in future fiscal years to cover all phases of the project as specified in the final contract."

(This amendment corrects the fund sources for two Longwood University capital projects, adds a capital project for Virginia State University, and provides clarifying language for a capital project at James Madison University.)