2005 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Jail Language for Return-to-Custody Centers (language only)

Item 416 #3c

Item 416 #3c

Public Safety
Community Corrections, Division of

Page 391, line 3, strike "D." and insert "D.1."
Page 391, after line 8, insert:
"D.2.  The Department of Corrections shall institute a peer review process to evaluate the population projections that are used to justify the need for additional regional and local jail construction.  The peer review process shall include, at a minium, staff from the State Compensation Board, Department of Corrections, Department of Juvenile Justice, Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, and the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission.  The results of the peer review shall be considered by the Board of Corrections prior to the approval of any regional or local jail construction project, for all projects considered by the Board on or after July 1, 2005."
Page 391, line 9, strike "E." and insert "E.1."
Page 391, after line 18, insert:
"2.  In the development of the plan as provided in Item 403.B. of this act, the Department shall consult with the following regional jails to determine whether such a minimum security facility might be an appropriate part of the additional capacity as authorized in paragraph C of this item:
a.  The Roanoke County-Salem Regional Jail.
b.  The Riverside Regional Jail.
c.  The Rappahannock Regional Jail.
3.  In the development of the plan as provided in Item 403.B. of this act, the Department shall consult with the following regional jails to determine whether it may be appropriate for the Department to contract for a portion of the new bedspace capacity in these facilities for housing state-responsible offenders:
a.  Southwest Virginia Regional Jail.
b.  Middle River Regional Jail.
c.  Clarke-Fauquier-Frederick-Winchester Regional Jail.
d.  Other regional or local jails as the Department may deem appropriate.
4.  The Board of Corrections may grant an exception to the provisions of paragraph B of this item for the following regional jails to develop minimum security facilities for housing state-responsible offenders, including probation and parole violators, under contract with the Department of Corrections, consistent with the plan as provided in Item 403.B. of this act.  The following authorities may submit the required studies as prescribed by the Board of Corrections' Standards for Planning, Design, Construction and Reimbursement of Local Correctional Facilities to the Department of Corrections for review prior to March 1, 2006.  Furthermore, the Governor may include a recommendation for funding such projects for consideration by the General Assembly at its 2007 Session:
a.  Pamunkey Regional Jail Authority.
b.  Virginia Peninsula Regional Jail Authority."

(This amendment consists of three parts. First, the amendment establishes a peer review process for evaluating the offender population forecasts upon which decisions are made by the Board to approve construction projects. Second, the amendment directs the Department of Corrections to determine the feasibility of contracting for minimum security facilities and bedspace for selected state-responsible offenders, including probation and parole violators. Third, the amendment permits the Board to consider certain minimum security projects for the Pamunkey and Virginia Peninsula Regional Jail Authorities.)