2005 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Historic Resources Data Management

Item 397 #3c

Item 397 #3c

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Natural Resources
Historic Resources, Department of FY2005 $0 FY2006 $80,000 GF
FY2005 0.00 FY2006 2.00 FTE

Page 376, line 42, strike "$2,989,782" and insert "$3,069,782".

(This amendment provides $80,000 from the general fund in the second year and establishes two positions for inventory data sharing. The Department of Historic Resources manages information on over 160,000 historic properties in Virginia. This information includes up to 150 data fields and location information that is used extensively by developers and property owners as well as by public agencies and scholars interested in development and historic preservation.)