2005 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Study of Assisted Living Regulations (language only)

Item 21 #2c

Item 21 #2c

Legislative Department
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission

Page 16, after line 29, insert:
"E.  The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) shall report on the impact of new assisted living regulations on the cost of providing services, residents' access to providers and services, including Medicaid-funded mental health and other services, and tangible improvements in the quality of care delivered.  The Department of Social Services, the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services, and the Department of Medical Assistance Services shall cooperate fully as requested by JLARC and its staff.  JLARC shall submit an interim report by November 1, 2005 and a final report by June 30,  2006.”

(This amendment requires JLARC to report on the impact of the regulatory changes included in House Bill 2512 and Senate Bill 1183 of the 2005 Session on providers of assisted living services and the quality of care provided in these settings.)