2005 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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UMW - Redirect Gov's Base Adequacy

Item 194 #1c

Item 194 #1c

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Education: Higher Education
University of Mary Washington FY2005 $0 FY2006 ($189,993) GF

Page 187, line 40, strike "$43,927,207" and insert "$43,737,214".
Page 188, line 19, strike "$1,501,663" and insert "$1,311,663".
Page 188, line 27, after "students" strike "," and insert ";".
Page 188, line 28, after "effectively" strike "," and insert ";".
Page 188, line 29, after "certificate," insert:  
"particularly in fields where the Commonwealth faces critical workforce shortages;".

(This amendment provides for a reduction of $189,993 from the general fund in the second year in order to redirect those funds to raising average faculty salaries at Virginia's public colleges and universities to the 60th percentile of peer institutions nationally by the end of the decade. The amendment also includes clarifying language with respect to the institution's role in preparing students to meet the Commonwealth's critical workforce needs.)