2005 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Partially Restore 8% Reduction to At-Risk Add-On, Include Truancy

Item 146 #1c

Item 146 #1c

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2005 $0 FY2006 $2,276,867 GF

Page 133, line 35, strike "$3,223,517,215" and insert "$3,225,794,082".
Page 146, line 33, strike "$54,208,178" and insert "$56,485,045".
Page 147, after line 9, insert:
"c) In the case of the City of Richmond, from the total state payment for this purpose, $675,000 the second year from the general fund shall be used as a one-time requirement to establish a pilot project in the City of Richmond to increase the number of community and school-based truancy officers to work in collaboration with the secondary schools in the City of Richmond.  The pilot project shall provide education, training, and support programming for students and their parents or guardians that will focus on and emphasize the importance of attending school regularly.
The Department of Education and the City of Richmond shall develop a plan that covers project implementation and objectives to be accomplished that shall include, but not be limited to, comprehensive statistical data to determine which secondary schools are to be targeted, and an action plan that details steps that will be taken to reduce the levels of truancy or absenteeism in those schools.  This plan shall be provided to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by June 1, 2005.  In addition, the Department and the City of Richmond shall provide a project status report that includes an assessment of  the results of the program to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by December 1, 2005."
Page 147, line 3, after "Dropout Prevention," insert:
"community and school-based truancy officer programs,".

(This amendment adds $2.3 statewide to restore half of the eight percent reduction taken in 2002 to the At-Risk Add-On payments, which support approved programs for students who are educationally at-risk. This amendment adds truancy prevention to the list of programs that may be supported with this funding. In addition, this amendment requires that of the total at-risk funding provided in this item for the City of Richmond, that $675,000 shall be directed to truancy programs.)