2005 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Turnaround Specialists - Transfer "Out" Authority (language only)

Item 144 #7c

Item 144 #7c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 129, line 40, after "Act." insert:  
"b. In the event that existing funds are not available, additional nongeneral funds do not become available, and/or the contracts are not re-negotiated to lower amounts, the Department of Education is authorized to transfer  up to $150,890 the second year from the general fund appropriation for this item in E. 5. a. to Item 137 for the contract with the University of Virginia Partnership for Leaders in Education - The Darden School Foundation for the turnaround specialists program and up to $500,000 the second year from the general fund appropriation for this item in E. 5. a. to Item 137 for the on-line career planning services.  The potential transfer for the on-line career planning services existing or a re-negotiated contract shall be subordinate to the funding requirements that are necessary to fulfill the existing or a re-negotiated contract for the turnaround specialists program."
Page 129, line 53, strike "b" and insert "d".

(This amendment authorizes the Department of Education to transfer certain funds from Item 144 to Item 137.)