2005 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1500 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Marshall R.
Use of Local Partnership Funding (language only)

Item 493.10 #3h

Item 493.10 #3h

Transportation, Department of

Page 442, after line 26, insert:
"4. Priority for allocation of Local Partnership funds will be given to those local governments that complete a build-out analysis of their comprehensive plans and zoning.  The build-out analysis shall include the total number of housing units and commercial development, transportation infrastructure needed to support that development, and the estimated cost of transportation infrastructure.  The build-out report  will be shared with the Regional Planning District Commissions, Metropolitan Planning Organizations and the Virginia Department of Transportation.  Local governments selected for Local Partnership funding will receive an additional ten percent above the base funding allocation if they implement measurable steps to reduce per capital vehicle miles traveled and per capita vehicle trips per VDOT traffic models for vehicle mile reduction methodologies as determined by the Commonwealth Transportation Board."

(This amendment prioritizes the use of Local Partnership Funds and directs them to localities that have conducted build-out analyses.)