2005 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1500 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Joannou
Performance Contracting (language only)

Item 4-4.01 #1h

Item 4-4.01 #1h

Capital Projects

Page 575, line 37, after "process.", insert:
"However, this restriction shall not apply when requests for initial qualifications, proposals, or a proposed contract was received by the Department of General Services or other appropriate contracting agency of the Commonwealth prior to January 1, 2005."

(This amendment would ensure that performance contracting proposals and contracts in various stages of completion prior to the adoption of Chapter 4, Special Session I, 2004 Acts of Assembly, are permitted to proceed regardless of contract size. A number of companies and agencies are uncertain whether proposed energy efficiency contracts may proceed given the addition of language in the Appropriation Act's general provisions subjecting performance contracts valued at more than $3 million to the Commonwealth's capital budgeting process.)