2005 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1500 (Conference Report)

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Review of Executive Compensation (language only)

Item 85 #2c

Item 85 #2c

Human Resource Management, Department of

Page 72, after line 28, insert:
"E. The Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM), shall review the compensation provided to state agency heads and cabinet secretaries and deputy cabinet secretaries.  This review shall include an analysis of duties and responsibilities, internal and external salary alignment, market availability, salary reference data, agency business needs, and such  other applicable pay factors and management practices as are needed in order to attract and retain highly qualified senior executives.  The Department shall report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by October 1, 2005."

(This amendment requires a review of the current system of agency head and cabinet officer compensation.)