2005 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1500 (Conference Report)

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Sound Wall with 495 HOT Lanes Project (language only)

Item 488 #2c

Item 488 #2c

Transportation, Department of

Page 440, after line 12, insert:
"D.  If the Virginia Department of Transportation enters into a comprehensive agreement for the construction of high-occupancy toll lanes on Interstate 495 pursuant to the Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995, any such agreement must include as a project element the design and construction of noise barriers from Gallows Road to U.S. Route 7 in Fairfax County as envisioned in the environmental impact statement for the corridor."

(This amendment stipulates that if VDOT enters into a comprehensive agreement for the construction of high-occupancy toll lanes along Interstate 495, such a project shall include sound walls from Gallows Road to Route 7 in Fairfax County as contemplated in the environmental impact statement already completed by the Department.)