2005 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1500 (Conference Report)

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HIV Prevention and Treatment Services Study (language only)

Item 11 #1c

Item 11 #1c

Legislative Department
Joint Commission On Health Care

Page 12, line 34, before "The", insert "A."
Page 12, after line 38, insert:
"B.  The Joint Commission shall study recent trends in federal funding from the Ryan White C.A.R.E. Act and other federal funding to Virginia's HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs, and shall identify the impact on Virginia's current system of care delivery to persons living with HIV/AIDS.  A report shall be made to the Joint Commission in accordance with the Joint Rules Committee schedule for consideration by the 2006 Session of the General Assembly."

(This amendment requires a study of federal Ryan White funding to assess the impact of current federal funding trends.)