2022 Session
Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)
| First Year - FY2023 | Second Year - FY2024 |
Total For Department of Transportation | $8,299,787,282 | $8,301,424,007 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 7,745.00 | 7,745.00 |
Position Level | 7,745.00 | 7,745.00 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $207,369,000 | $0 |
Commonwealth Transportation | $7,147,413,375 | $7,088,922,782 |
Trust and Agency | $761,579,842 | $779,334,607 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $178,095,923 | $428,164,877 |
Federal Trust | $5,329,142 | $5,001,741 |
Grand Totals For Department of Transportation includes Department of Transportation Transfer Payments | $9,184,253,179 | $9,207,413,419 |
General Fund Positions | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 7,745.00 | 7,745.00 |
Position Level | 7,745.00 | 7,745.00 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $207,369,000 | $0 |
Commonwealth Transportation | $7,147,413,375 | $7,088,922,782 |
Trust and Agency | $761,579,842 | $779,334,607 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $1,062,561,820 | $1,334,154,289 |
Federal Trust | $5,329,142 | $5,001,741 |