2022 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 483 Amendments

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Member Request
483#1hHB 1002: Cover Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Through Workers Compensation (Language Only)
483#2hHB 995: Amend Workers Compensation Coverage Pursuant to COVID$500,000$500,000
483#3hInclude Department of Wildlife Resources Conservation Officers in SPORS$395,880$395,880
483#4hEstablish Workgroup to Review Probation Officer Compensation (Language Only)
483#5hEstablish Workgroup to Review Probation Officer Compensation (Language Only)
483#6hAdditional 5% Salary Increase for DOC staff$31,786,323$31,786,323
483#7hHB 1056: Reduce Service Requirement for Cancer Presumption$500,000$500,000
483#8hHB 932: Extend Presumption for Covid Through 2022$50,000$50,000
483#9hHB 480 - Coverage for Infertitlity Treatments$50,000$50,000
483#10hHB 806 - Coverage for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome $50,000$50,000
483#11hHB 834 - Enhanced Benefits for Fire and Rescue Dept.$200,000$200,000
483#12h HB 593 Provide Hazardous Duty Supplement When there is Death in Service$4,000,000$4,000,000
483#13hHB 1042 - Extend Time Limit Pursuant to the Filing of Workers' Compensation Claims$74,000$102,900
Committee Approved
483#1hEliminate State Employee Health Premium Increase in FY 2023-$12,751,533$0
483#2hAdjust Funding & Language for Employee Compensation Increases-$56,427,535-$103,047,541
483#3hProvide Funding for Retiree Health Care Credit$80,435,018$0
483#4hHB 320 - Capture Savings from the Freezing the Minimum Wage-$4,283,857-$8,468,250
Floor Approved
483#1hEliminate State Employee Health Premium Increase in FY 2023-$12,751,533$0
483#2hAdjust Funding & Language for Employee Compensation Increases-$56,427,535-$103,047,541
483#3hProvide Funding for Retiree Health Care Credit$80,435,018$0
483#4hHB 320 - Capture Savings from the Freezing the Minimum Wage-$4,283,857-$8,468,250