2022 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 135 Amendments

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Member Request
135#1hVDOE - Monitor Compliance with SRO Requirement - HB 237$133,000$133,000
135#3hVDOE - Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety, and Media Literacy Advisory Council - HB 1026$50,000$50,000
135#4hVDOE - Triennial Accrediation - COVID-19 Impact (Language Only)
135#5hVDOE - Parental Choice Education Savings Accounts - HB 1025$457,000$407,000
135#6hVDOE - Study Purpose and Goals of Public Education HJ 19$50,000$0
135#7hVDOE - Parental Choice Education Savings Accounts - HB 1024$457,000$407,000
135#8hVDOE - Education Savings Account Program - HB 982$3,000,000$3,000,000
135#9hVDOE - School Construction Fund - HB 254$143,000$143,000
Committee Approved
135#1hVDOE - Parental Choice Education Savings Accounts - HB 1024$417,502$367,502
135#2hVDOE - Triennial Accrediation - COVID-19 Impact (Language Only)
Floor Approved
135#1hVDOE - Parental Choice Education Savings Accounts - HB 1024$417,502$367,502
135#2hVDOE - Triennial Accrediation - COVID-19 Impact (Language Only)