2022 Session
Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)
| First Year - FY2021 | Second Year - FY2022 |
Total For Department of Motor Vehicles | $315,532,483 | $319,532,483 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 2,222.00 | 2,222.00 |
Position Level | 2,222.00 | 2,222.00 |
Fund Sources: |
Commonwealth Transportation | $304,116,559 | $308,116,559 |
Trust and Agency | $5,446,600 | $5,446,600 |
Federal Trust | $5,969,324 | $5,969,324 |
Grand Totals For Department of Motor Vehicles includes Department of Motor Vehicles Transfer Payments | $548,472,121 | $556,784,829 |
General Fund Positions | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 2,222.00 | 2,222.00 |
Position Level | 2,222.00 | 2,222.00 |
Fund Sources: |
Commonwealth Transportation | $351,601,168 | $359,913,876 |
Trust and Agency | $10,946,600 | $10,946,600 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $153,700,000 | $153,700,000 |
Federal Trust | $32,224,353 | $32,224,353 |