2022 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of General Services

Item 82

Item 82

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Procurement Services (73000)$66,830,235$66,830,235
Statewide Procurement Services (73002)FY2023 $30,513,042FY2024 $30,513,042
Surplus Property Programs (73007)FY2023 $2,065,504FY2024 $2,065,504
Statewide Cooperative Procurement and Distribution Services (73008)FY2023 $34,251,689FY2024 $34,251,689
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2023 $2,002,346FY2024 $2,002,346
SpecialFY2023 $3,787,391FY2024 $3,787,391
EnterpriseFY2023 $24,723,305FY2024 $24,723,305
Internal ServiceFY2023 $36,317,193FY2024 $36,317,193

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 11, Articles 3 and 6, Code of Virginia.

A. 1. Out of this appropriation, $609,042 the first year and $609,042 the second year for federal surplus property is sum sufficient and amounts shown are estimates from an internal service fund which shall be paid from revenues derived from charges for services.

2. Out of this appropriation, $1,456,462 the first year and $1,456,462 the second year for state surplus property is sum sufficient and amounts shown are estimates from an internal service fund which shall be paid from revenues derived from charges for services.

B. Out of this appropriation, $34,251,689 the first year and $34,251,689 the second year for Statewide Cooperative Procurement and Distribution Services is sum sufficient and amounts shown are estimates from an internal service fund which shall be paid from revenues derived from charges for services.

C. The Commonwealth's statewide electronic procurement system and program known as eVA will be financed by fees assessed to state agencies and institutions of higher education and vendors.

D. The Department of General Services shall allow nonprofit food banks operating in Virginia and granted tax-exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to purchase directly from the Virginia Distribution Center.

E.1. The Department of General Services, for goods and services requirements identified by the Virginia Department of Social Services and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, is directed to develop and maintain a list of emergency contracts for use by state agencies responsible for emergency response and recovery, and to establish contracts for resources, goods and services, as identified by the Virginia Department of Social Services and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management in the event of state shelter activation during a declaration of state emergency.

2. Following completion or revision by the Department of Social Services of documentation, pursuant to Item 349, paragraph B, regarding the specifications of goods and services required in the event of shelter activation, the department shall take necessary steps, in compliance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act, to timely negotiate, execute, or amend contracts sufficient to support the goods and services needs identified by the Department of Social Services and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management.

3. Upon completion of the required documentation by the Department of Social Services referenced above, the Department of General Services, in consultation with relevant state agencies, shall submit a report identifying options for warehousing supplies needed to support state shelters to include associated storage and supply management resource costs to store and maintain needed supplies. The department shall report its findings to the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees, the Secretary of Administration, the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, the Secretary of Education, and the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, and the Secretary of Finance.