2022 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Marine Resources Commission

Item 389

Item 389

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Coastal Lands Surveying and Mapping (51000)$4,701,039$3,201,039
Coastal Lands and Bottomlands Management (51001)FY2023 $3,742,645FY2024 $2,242,645
Marine Resources Surveying and Mapping (51002)FY2023 $958,394FY2024 $958,394
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2023 $3,544,995FY2024 $2,044,995
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2023 $974,044FY2024 $974,044
Federal TrustFY2023 $182,000FY2024 $182,000

Authority: Title 28.2, Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; Title 62.1, Chapters 16 and 19, Code of Virginia.

Out of this appropriation, $1,500,000 the first year from the general fund is designated for the non-federal share of an Army Corps of Engineers project to conduct a Chincoteague Inlet Study to address concerns related to erosion and sea-level rise.