2021 Session

Budget Bill - SB1100 (Introduced)

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Item 90

Item 90

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Information Technology Development and Operations (82000)$272,755,360
Network Services -- Data, Voice, and Video (82003)FY2021 $105,785,317
FY2022 $105,179,381
Data Center Services (82005)FY2021 $60,975,720
FY2022 $59,286,028
Desktop and End User Services (82006)FY2021 $70,630,246FY2022 $70,274,907
Multisourcing Service Integrator (MSI) Oversight Services (82009)FY2021 $29,100,688FY2022 $29,156,790
Computer Operations Security Services (82010)FY2021 $6,263,389FY2022 $6,275,464
Fund Sources:  
Internal ServiceFY2021 $272,755,360
FY2022 $270,172,570

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 20.1, Code of Virginia.

A. Out of this appropriation, $272,755,360$286,481,512 the first year and $270,172,570$333,239,172 the second year for Information Technology Development and Operations is sum sufficient and amounts shown are estimates from an internal service fund which shall be paid solely from revenues derived from charges for services.

B. Political subdivisions and local school divisions are hereby authorized to purchase information technology goods and services of every description from the Virginia Information Technologies Agency and its vendors, provided that such purchases are not prohibited by the terms and conditions of the contracts for such goods and services.

C. 1. The Secretary of Finance and Secretary of Administration shall approve the draw downs from the agency's line of credit authorized in § 3-2.03 of this act prior to the expenditure of funds for costs associated with replacing or implementing information technology services currently provided by the multi-supplier vendor model.

2. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, is authorized to administratively adjust the appropriation in this item and Item 92 of this act for approved transition costs associated with replacing or implementing information technology services currently provided by the multi-supplier vendor model.

D. The Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth shall report to the Governor and Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees on progress toward transitioning to new information technology services that will replace the information technology services previously provided by Northrop Grumman. Such a report shall be made at least quarterly, in a format mutually agreeable to them, and shall (i) assess the Virginia Information Technologies Agency's organization and in-scope information technology and telecommunications costs, and (ii) identify options available to the Commonwealth at the expiry of the current agreements including any anticipated steps required to plan for their expiration.

E. 1. The Virginia Information Technologies Agency shall, in consultation with state agencies, report quarterly to the Secretary of Administration and the Secretary of Finance with a detailed transition plan for this migration out of the Commonwealth Enterprise Solutions Center (CESC). This plan will, at a minimum, identify the migration-readiness status of all such applications, data, and systems, propose detailed transition timelines, and identify ongoing and one-time costs for the migration.

2. For purposes of facilitating and expediting the migration of all Commonwealth applications, data, and systems currently physically located or hosted in CESC to a data center physically located in Virginia by June 30, 2022, The Virginia Information Technologies Agency shall procure a statewide contract on behalf of executive branch agencies to provide migration-readiness modifications where such modifications are deemed necessary by the Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth.

3. The Virginia Information Technologies Agency is hereby authorized to fund approved migration expenses on behalf of agencies from its line of credit authorized in § 3-2.03 of this act. All proposed draws from the Virginia Information Technologies Agency's line of credit recommended by the Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth for required migration expenses shall be approved by the Secretary of Finance and the Secretary of Administration prior to any expenditure of funds.

4. It is the responsibility of each approved agency to repay its specific costs incurred on the Virginia Information Technologies Agency's line of credit. Upon approval of expenditures to be paid from the line of credit draw request, the Secretary of Administration and the Secretary of Finance shall specify the repayment period.

5. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 4-3.02 of this act, the Secretary of Finance may provide agencies whose applications or systems are funded in whole or in part by nongeneral funds interest-free treasury loans to fund expenses associated with the migration of agency applications, data, and systems out of CESC where such modifications are deemed necessary by the Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth. Such treasury loans shall only be for the nongeneral fund component of the migration costs. The repayment plan for such loans may be extended for a period longer than twelve months by the Secretary of Finance.

F. The Virginia Information Technologies Agency shall continue to identify the charge-back structure to allocate costs based on agencies' consumption of data storage. The funds from this charge-back structure shall be used to support the Chief Data Officer's efforts to create a Commonwealth data inventory, and enterprise data dictionary and catalog.