2021 Session

Budget Bill - SB1100 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of Transportation

Item 446

Item 446

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Ground Transportation Planning and Research (60200)$79,246,937
Ground Transportation System Planning (60201)FY2021 $65,131,549
FY2022 $66,347,417
Ground Transportation System Research (60202)FY2021 $9,819,773FY2022 $9,985,541
Ground Transportation Program Management and Direction (60204)FY2021 $4,295,615FY2022 $4,394,401
Fund Sources:  
Commonwealth TransportationFY2021 $79,246,937
FY2022 $80,727,359

Authority: Title 33.2, Code of Virginia.

A. Included in the amount for ground transportation system planning and research is no less than $6,500,000 the first year and no less than $6,500,000 the second year from the highway share of the Transportation Trust Fund for the planning and evaluation of options to address transportation needs. Included in the amounts in this item, $50,000 the first year from the allocations to the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment is provided for sponsorship support of the fifth annual Mobility Talks International (MTI) Conference in January, 2021. The Director of the Office of Innovation shall actively identify and engage connected and autonomous vehicle stakeholders in the Commonwealth in order to most effectively maximize the return on investment from participation in the MTI Conference for the operation of unmanned systems throughout Virginia.

B. In addition, the Commonwealth Transportation Board may approve the expenditures of up to $500,000 the first year and $500,000 the second year from the highway share of the Transportation Trust Fund for the completion of advance activities, prior to the initiation of an individual project's design along existing highway corridors, to determine short-term and long-term improvements to the corridor. Such activities shall consider safety, access management, alternative modes, operations, and infrastructure improvements. Such funds shall be used for, but are not limited to, the completion of activities prior to the initiation of an individual project's design or to benefit identification of needs throughout the state or the prioritization of those needs. For federally eligible activities, the activity or item shall be included in the Commonwealth Transportation Board's annual update of the Six-Year Improvement program so that (i) appropriate federal funds may be allocated and reimbursed for the activities and (ii) all requirements of the federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Program can be achieved.

C. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 729 and Chapter 733 of the 2012 Acts of Assembly, the Commonwealth Transportation Board shall not reallocate any funds from projects on roadways controlled by any county that has withdrawn or elects to withdraw from the secondary system of state highways, nor from any roadway controlled by a city or town as part of the state's urban roadway system, based on a determination of nonconformity with the Commonwealth Transportation Board's Statewide Transportation Plan or the Six-Year Improvement Program. In jurisdictions that maintain roadways within their boundaries, the provisions of § 33.2-214, Code of Virginia, shall apply only to highways controlled by the Department of Transportation.

D. The prioritization process developed under § 33.2-214.1, Code of Virginia, shall not apply to use of funds provided in this Item from the federal apportionments in the State Planning and Research Program.

E. The Department, in conducting any study of the Interstate 664 corridor in south Hampton Roads shall, in consultation with the Department of Rail and Public Transportation and the Virginia Port Authority, review and consider potential future rail needs along the corridor including the long range development plan for the Port and the development of the Craney Island Marine Terminal.