2015 1

Budget Bill - HB1400 (Introduced)

Item 484 Amendments

First Year - FY2015Second Year - FY2016
Member Request
484#1hHB 1883 - VRS administrative funding$0$81,000
Committee Approved
484#1hHB 1890 - VRS Streamline Purchase of Service$0$552,500
484#2hHB 2178 - 403 (B) Plans$0$440,000
484#3hHB 1969 - Develop Cash Balance Plan$0$50,000
Floor Approved
484#1hHB 1890 - VRS Streamline Purchase of Service$0$552,500
484#2hHB 2178 - 403 (B) Plans$0$440,000
484#3hHB 1969 - Develop Cash Balance Plan$0$50,000
Conference Report
484#1cHB 1890 & SB 942 - VRS Streamline Purchase of Service$0$552,500
484#2cHB 2178 & SB 1162 - 403 (B) Plans$0$440,000
484#3cHB 1969 - Develop Cash Balance Plan$0$50,000