2015 Session
Budget Bill - HB1400 (Introduced)
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 |
Total For Office of Natural Resources | $403,143,752 $395,884,638 | $367,300,511 $388,416,010 |
General Fund Positions | 1,022.50 | 1,022.50 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 1,157.50 | 1,157.50 1,160.50 |
Position Level | 2,180.00 | 2,180.00 2,183.00 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $133,283,407 $134,024,293 | $102,083,611 $102,647,893 |
Special | $39,551,250 $41,551,250 | $39,302,539 $41,302,539 |
Commonwealth Transportation | $413,768 | $413,768 |
Enterprise | $12,359,321 | $12,359,321 |
Trust and Agency | $37,120,570 | $37,120,570 |
Debt Service | $236,144 | $236,144 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $101,297,683 $91,297,683 | $96,902,949 $115,088,366 |
Federal Trust | $78,881,609 | $78,881,609 $79,247,409 |