Educational and General Programs (10000) | $35,392,806 $35,626,981 | $35,395,603 $35,629,778 |
Higher Education Instruction (100101) | FY2015 $14,464,371 | FY2016 $14,464,371 $14,413,491 |
Higher Education Public Services (100103) | FY2015 $67,237 | FY2016 $67,237 |
Higher Education Academic (100104) | FY2015 $5,359,489 | FY2016 $5,359,489 $5,303,639 |
Higher Education Student Services (100105) | FY2015 $2,484,209 | FY2016 $2,484,209 $2,433,939 |
Higher Education Institutional Support (100106) | FY2015 $6,274,896 $6,597,896 | FY2016 $6,277,693 $6,879,693 |
Operation and Maintenance Of Plant (100107) | FY2015 $6,742,604 $6,653,779 | FY2016 $6,742,604 $6,531,779 |
Fund Sources: | | |
General | FY2015 $9,075,052 $8,633,227 | FY2016 $9,077,845 $8,636,020 |
Higher Education Operating | FY2015 $25,917,754 $26,593,754 | FY2016 $25,917,758 $26,593,758 |
Debt Service | FY2015 $400,000 | FY2016 $400,000 |