Item 121 | First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 |
Workforce Systems Services (47000) | $593,354,834 $594,854,834 | $606,374,168 |
Job Placement Services (47001) | FY2015 $28,410,181 | FY2016 $28,429,515 |
Unemployment Insurance Services (47002) | FY2015 $564,110,466 $565,610,466 | FY2016 $577,110,466 |
Workforce Development Services (47003) | FY2015 $834,187 | FY2016 $834,187 |
Fund Sources: | | |
Special | FY2015 $5,555,000 $7,055,000 | FY2016 $5,555,000 |
Trust and Agency | FY2015 $587,799,834 | FY2016 $600,819,168 |
Authority: Title 60.2, Chapters 1 through 6, Code of Virginia.
A. Revenues deposited into the Special Unemployment Compensation Administration Fund shall be used for the purposes set out in the following order of priority: 1) to make payment of any interest owed on loans from the U.S. Treasury for payment of unemployment compensation benefits; 2) to support essential services of the Commission, particularly in the event of reductions in federal funding; 3) to finance the cost of capital projects; and 4) to fund the discretionary fund established in § 60.2-315, Code of Virginia. Funding may be transferred from the capital budget to the operating budget consistent with this language.
B. Reed Act funds distributed by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 and credited to the unemployment trust fund with respect to federal fiscal years 2000, 2001, and 2002, under § 1103 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.), as amended, shall be used only for the administration of the unemployment compensation program, under the direction of the Virginia Employment Commission and shall not be subject to the requirements of § 60.2-305, Code of Virginia.
C. There is hereby appropriated out of the funds made available to this state under § 1103 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.) as amended, the balance of the $51,067,866 of Reed Act funds, if any, provided in Item 120 E. of Chapter 847, 2007 Acts of Assembly, for upgrading obsolete information technology systems, to include staff costs. This appropriation is subject to the provisions of § 60.2-305, Code of Virginia. Savings as a result of the new systems shall be retained by the commission.