2005 Session
Budget Bill - SB700 (Introduced)
| First Year - FY2005 | Second Year - FY2006 |
Total For Office of Public Safety | $2,012,036,348 $2,042,610,553 | $2,052,098,768 $2,129,905,654 |
General Fund Positions | 18,262.27 | 18,267.27 18,279.77 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 2,008.28 2,009.28 | 2,025.28 2,112.78 |
Position Level | 20,270.55 20,271.55 | 20,292.55 20,392.55 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $1,428,844,729 $1,428,968,181 | $1,452,017,887 $1,464,603,000 |
Special | $107,626,240 $115,857,817 | $102,326,648 $115,667,472 |
Commonwealth Transportation | $8,049,738 | $8,121,042 |
Enterprise | $372,398,093 $391,877,746 | $394,508,326 $440,406,412 |
Trust and Agency | $10,020,000 | $10,020,000 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $15,589,441 $15,527,340 | $15,589,441 $15,527,340 |
Federal Trust | $69,508,107 $72,309,731 | $69,515,424 $75,560,388 |