2005 1

Budget Bill - SB700 (Introduced)

Item 190 Amendments

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Member Request
190#1sLongwood - Replace Information Systems$431,129$1,228,583
190#2sLongwood - Base Adequacy Funding$4,863,000$0
190#3sLongwood - "They Closed Our Doors" Documentary$0$100,000
190#4sLongwood - Transfer funds to SVHEC$0-$485,000
Committee Approved
190#1sLU - Increase Base Adequacy$0$1,381,582
190#2sLU - Faculty salaries$0$88,937
190#3sLU - Transfer funds to SVHEC$0-$443,855
Conference Report
190#1cLU - Increase Base Adequacy$0$1,200,000
190#2cLU - Faculty Salaries$0$88,937
190#3cLU - Transfer Funds to SVHEC$0-$443,855