Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises (80900) | $127,578,098 $127,866,098 | $127,578,098 $128,414,098 |
Residential Services (80930) | FY2005 $22,630,434 | FY2006 $22,630,434 |
Parking and Transportation Systems and Services (80940) | FY2005 $11,849,260 | FY2006 $11,849,260 |
Telecommunications Systems and Services (80950) | FY2005 $10,744,463 | FY2006 $10,744,463 |
Student Health Services (80960) | FY2005 $6,459,746 | FY2006 $6,459,746 |
Recreational and Intramural Programs (80980) | FY2005 $3,979,668 | FY2006 $3,979,668 |
Other Enterprise Functions (80990) | FY2005 $52,068,853 $52,356,853 | FY2006 $52,068,853 $52,904,853 |
Intercollegiate Athletics (80995) | FY2005 $19,845,674 | FY2006 $19,845,674 |
Fund Sources: | | |
Higher Education Operating | FY2005 $113,864,449 $111,402,449 | FY2006 $113,864,449 $111,695,449 |
Debt Service | FY2005 $13,713,649 $16,463,649 | FY2006 $13,713,649 $16,718,649 |