Authority: Discretionary Inclusion.
A.1. The head of each agency in the Executive Department, except the institutions of higher education, shall develop a plan for achieving increased productivity during the 2000-02 biennium, to be submitted to the Governor no later than October 1, 2000. Such plans shall not include savings based on: a) reductions in the personal service appropriations for corrections officers, juvenile justice officers, mental health direct care staff, or all of higher education, or b) reductions in the nonpersonal service appropriations for transfer payments (aid to localities), continuous charges, or all of higher education. The plan shall be in such form as prescribed by the Governor.
2. Upon approval of the plan by the Governor, general fund savings estimated at $91,728,481 and identified by these plans shall be transferred to this Item by the Director, Department of Planning and Budget. Any agency general fund appropriations unexpended on June 30, 2000, and June 30, 2001, that are in excess of the average general fund appropriations for that agency on June 30, 1998, and June 30, 1999, may be reappropriated if used to offset these savings. However, the State Comptroller shall include all unexpended agency general fund appropriations in the amounts for the calculation of deposits to the Water Quality Improvement Fund, pursuant to § 10.1-2128, Code of Virginia, prior to reappropriation.
3. Savings included in this item for the second year may be transferred to the first year, pursuant to information in the approved savings plan for each agency.
B. For fiscal year 2001 and fiscal year 2002, automobile liability premiums shall be suspended. State agencies and institutions of higher education will not make payments to the Department of the Treasury for this purpose. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall withhold from appropriations to these agencies and institutions general fund amounts estimated to equal $1,207,116 each year and transfer those amounts to this Item. Nongeneral fund amounts appropriated for the payment of automobile liability premiums, which are estimated to equal $34,923 each year, shall be transferred to the general fund pursuant to § 3-1.01 V of this act. All funds from the Virginia Retirement System, federal sources, and transportation funds are exempted from this transfer.
C. For fiscal year 2001 and fiscal year 2002, performance indemnity bond premiums shall be suspended. State agencies and institutions of higher education will not make payments to the Department of the Treasury for this purpose. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall withhold from appropriations to these agencies and institutions general fund amounts estimated to equal $99,320 each year, and transfer those amounts to this Item. Nongeneral fund amounts appropriated for the payment of indemnity bond premiums, which are estimated to equal $15,678 each year, shall be transferred to the general fund pursuant to § 3-1.01 W of this act. All funds from the Virginia Retirement System, federal sources, and transportation funds are exempted from this transfer.
D. The general fund amounts included in the Educational and General Programs of the following colleges and universities shall be reduced by the following amounts from this item based on delayed opening dates of educational facilities.
Institution | 2000-01 | 2001-02 |
College of William and Mary | ($15,930) | $0 |
University of Virginia | ($22,660) | ($199,290) |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | ($47,690) | ($248,435) |
James Madison University | $0 | ($58,070) |
Old Dominion University | $0 | ($71,940) |
Virginia Commonwealth University | ($171,545) | $0 |
University of Virginia's College at Wise | $0 | ($69,000) |
Virginia Community College System | ($579,640) | ($264,000) |
Total | ($837,465) | ($910,735) |
E. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget shall withhold from the general fund appropriations of State agencies an amount estimated at $7,220,829 the second year for savings from utilizing the Master Equipment Lease Program for equipment purchasing.
F. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall transfer an amount estimated at $30,000,000 from general fund appropriations in the first year and $20,000,000 from general fund appropriations in the second year in Executive Department agencies to this item consistent with spending reduction plans approved by the Governor pursuant to Executive Order 74.
G. Prior to December 1, 2001, the heads of Executive Department agencies shall develop and submit to the Governor a plan for achieving general fund turnover and vacancy and productivity savings estimated at $35,000,000 the second year. The plan shall be in such form as prescribed by the Governor.
H. Upon approval of the plans by the Governor, the general fund savings identified in these plans shall be transferred to this item by the Director, Department of Planning and Budget.