1996 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

James Madison University

Item 213

Item 213

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Educational and General Programs (10000)$74,396,431$77,114,595
Higher Education Instruction (100101)FY1997 $44,415,345FY1998 $47,068,509
Higher Education Research (100102)FY1997 $88,121FY1998 $88,121
Higher Education Public Services (100103)FY1997 $144,333FY1998 $144,333
Higher Education Academic Support (100104)FY1997 $10,822,849FY1998 $10,857,849
Higher Education Student Services (100105)FY1997 $3,548,825FY1998 $3,548,825
Higher Education Institutional Support (100106)FY1997 $7,932,875FY1998 $7,962,875
Operation and Maintenance of Plant (100107)FY1997 $7,444,083FY1998 $7,444,083
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $36,275,410FY1998 $38,444,967
Higher Education OperatingFY1997 $38,121,021FY1998 $38,669,628

Authority: Title 23, Chapter 12.1, Code of Virginia.