1996 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

University of Virginia

Item 171

Item 171

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises (80900)$70,603,508$74,592,416
Food Services (80910)FY1997 $3,843,174FY1998 $3,844,174
Bookstores and other Stores (80920)FY1997 $12,282,253FY1998 $12,356,977
Residential Services (80930)FY1997 $20,813,279FY1998 $21,569,363
Parking and Transportation Systems and Services (80940)FY1997 $4,418,777FY1998 $4,562,777
Telecommunications Systems and Services (80950)FY1997 $1,501,937FY1998 $2,228,937
Student Health Services (80960)FY1997 $4,084,867FY1998 $4,204,867
Student Unions and Recreational Facilities (80970)FY1997 $2,395,273FY1998 $3,016,273
Recreational and Intramural Programs (80980)FY1997 $2,743,860FY1998 $2,803,860
Other Enterprise Functions (80990)FY1997 $4,112,340FY1998 $5,210,340
Intercollegiate Athletics (80995)FY1997 $14,407,748FY1998 $14,794,848
Fund Sources:  
Higher Education OperatingFY1997 $66,299,516FY1998 $70,288,424
Debt ServiceFY1997 $4,303,992FY1998 $4,303,992

Authority: §§ 23-62 through 23-85, Code of Virginia.