1996 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Virginia Community College System

Item 162

Item 162

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Educational and General Programs (10000)$319,910,079$328,566,347
Higher Education Instruction (100101)FY1997 $162,418,021FY1998 $169,530,452
Higher Education Public Services (100103)FY1997 $2,315,836FY1998 $2,815,836
Higher Education Academic Support (100104)FY1997 $39,699,629FY1998 $39,699,629
Higher Education Student Services (100105)FY1997 $24,741,563FY1998 $24,741,563
Higher Education Institutional Support (100106)FY1997 $64,574,580FY1998 $64,574,580
Operation and Maintenance of Plant (100107)FY1997 $26,160,450FY1998 $27,204,287
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $190,542,005FY1998 $196,013,822
Higher Education OperatingFY1997 $129,368,074FY1998 $132,552,525

Authority: Title 23, Chapter 16, Code of Virginia.

A. It is the objective of the Commonwealth that a standard of 70 percent full-time faculty be established for the Virginia Community College System.

B. This appropriation includes $150,000 the first year and $150,000 the second year from the general fund for the A. L. Philpott Manufacturing Research Center at Patrick Henry Community College.

C. This appropriation includes amounts for the following special programs: at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, the Program for the Deaf, $99,300 and 4.0 positions the first year and $99,300 and 4.0 positions the second year from the general fund and the Program for the Mentally Retarded, $140,000 and 4.0 positions the first year and $140,000 and 4.0 positions the second year from the general fund; and, at New River Community College, the Program for the Deaf, $120,500 and 4.0 positions the first year and $120,500 and 4.0 positions the second year from the general fund; and the Program for the Mentally Retarded, $107,200 and 4.5 positions the first year and $107,200 and 4.5 positions the second year from the general fund.

D.1. Included in the amounts set forth in this section, are funds to pay the City of Norfolk, its agents or instrumentalities, an amount which shall not exceed $1,300,000 annually beginning July 1, 1996 for the remainder of the term for payments for the lease/purchase of the construction of the Norfolk Campus of Tidewater Community College. The Commonwealth shall be responsible for the cost of maintenance and operation of the facilities as may be mutually agreed. Since it is intended that the Commonwealth be responsible for lease payments on only facilities which it occupies, the City of Norfolk, its agents or instrumentalities, shall provide assurances satisfactory to the Virginia Community College System that, should the facilities not be available for occupancy by July 1, 1996, the System will be reimbursed for any portion of the lease payment applicable to a period prior to the facilities being made available for occupancy.

2. Prior to occupancy of the facilities, the City of Norfolk, its agencies or instrumentalities, shall provide assurances satisfactory to the Virginia Community College System, that the demised premises are free from hazardous materials and conditions.

3. It is the intent of the General Assembly that the facilities contemplated in this paragraph shall be made available for occupancy no later than July 1, 1996, and all agencies and institutions of the Commonwealth are hereby directed to act forthwith to this end.

E. Out of this appropriation, $500,000 the first year and $500,000 the second year from the general fund is provided for the second and third of five annual payments for the lease purchase of approximately $2,055,000 of computing and other equipment required for the opening of the Norfolk Campus of Tidewater Community College. Payment of $500,000 will be required for year four of the lease-purchase agreement, and a final payment of $167,000 in the fifth year.

F. Out of this appropriation, $60,000 the first year and $60,000 the second year from the general fund shall be allocated to support the Southwest Virginia Telecommunications Network.

G. This appropriation includes $100,000 the first year and $100,000 the second year from the general fund to support the Southwestern Virginia Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center at Wytheville Community College.

H. This appropriation includes $2,500,000 the first year and $2,500,000 the second year from nongeneral funds, contingent upon approval by the State Board for Community Colleges to be generated by tuition and fees in conformity with § 4-2.01 c. of this act, the unexpended balance of which shall not revert to the general fund in any fiscal year but shall be carried forward on the books of the Department of Accounts and allotted for expenditure each July 1. This appropriation is provided to support acquisition of information infrastructure technology.