Operations at https://budget.lis.virginia.gov/BudgetPortalWebService

This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.

Uri Method Description
Budget.Amendments.1.ListOfYearSessionAmendment/ GET This service returns a list of Years, Sessions and Amendments related to the Virginia Budget
Budget.Amendments.2.ListOfAllItems/{SessionYear}/{SessionType}/{BillNumber}/{BillType}/{BillStatusAbbreviation}/ GET This service returns a list of Amendments associated with a particular Year, Session, Bill Number, Bill Type and Bill Status Abbreviation
Budget.Amendments.3.ListOfDetailsByYearSessionBillNumberTypeStatusItem/{SessionYear}/{SessionType}/{BillNumber}/{BillType}/{Part}/{ItemNumber}/ GET This service returns the details of an Amendments associated with a particular Year, Session, Bill Number, Bill Type, Part and Expense Item Number
Budget.Bills.1.ListOfYearSessionBill/ GET This service returns a list of Years, Sessions and Bills related to the Virginia Budget
Budget.Bills.2.ListOfYearSessionBillNumberTypeSecretariat/{SessionYear}/{SessionType}/{BillNumber}/{BillType}/ GET This service returns a list of Items associated with a particular Year, Session, Bill Number and Bill Type
Budget.Bills.3.ListOfPart12YearSessionBillNumberTypeSecretariatItems/{SessionYear}/{SessionType}/{BillNumber}/{BillType}/{BillPart}/{SecretariatShortName}/ GET This service returns a list of Items associated with a particular Year, Session, Bill Number, Bill Type, Bill Part and Secretariat for Parts 1 and 2
Budget.Bills.4.ListOfPart34YearSessionBillNumberTypeItems/{SessionYear}/{SessionType}/{BillNumber}/{BillType}/{BillPart}/ GET This service returns a list of Items associated with a particular Year, Session, Bill Number, Bill Type and Bill Part for Parts 3 and 4
Budget.Bills.5.ListOfDetailsByYearSessionBillNumberTypePartItem/{SessionYear}/{SessionType}/{BillNumber}/{BillType}/{BillPart}/{ItemNumber}/ GET This service returns the details of an Item associated with a particular Year, Session, Bill Number, Bill Type, Part and Expense Item Number
Committee.Reports.1.ListOfYearsSessions/ GET This service returns a list of all of the current Years and Sessions available to use to pull Committee Reports
Committee.Reports.2.ListOfCommitteeReportsByYearsSessions/{SessionYear}/{SessionType}/ GET This service returns a list of all of Committee Reports and links to PDFs based on Year and Session