2022 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Department of General Services

Item 85

Item 85

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Administrative and Support Services (79900)$6,124,171$6,148,833
General Management and Direction (79901)FY2023 $3,690,527FY2024 $3,690,527
Information Technology Services (79902)FY2023 $2,433,644FY2024 $2,458,306
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2023 $6,000,865FY2024 $6,000,865
EnterpriseFY2023 $123,306FY2024 $147,968

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 11 and Chapter 24, Article 1, Code of Virginia.

1. The Department shall lead, provide administrative support to, and convene an annual public body procurement workgroup to review and study proposed changes to the Code of Virginia in areas of non-technology goods and services, technology goods and services, construction, transportation, and professional services procurements. The workgroup shall consist of the Director of the Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity, Director of the Department of General Services, the Chief Information Officer of Virginia Information Technology Agency, Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Transportation, Director of the Department of Planning and Budget, the President of the Virginia Association of State Colleges and University Purchasing Professionals (VASCUPP), the President of the Virginia Association of Governmental Purchasing or their designees; a representative from the Office of the Attorney General Government Operations and Transactions Division, a staff member of the Virginia House Appropriations Committee, Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee, and Division of Legislative Services.

2. The workgroup is charged with hearing legislation referred by letter from the Chairs of the House Rules, General Laws, and Appropriations Committees, and Chairs of the Senate Rules, General Laws and Technology, and Finance and Appropriations Committees. The workgroup will hear from stakeholders identified by the patron of the referred legislation and other interested individuals to discuss the legislation's impacts to: 1) small businesses to include women and minorities; 2) the Commonwealth's budget; and 3) the Commonwealth's procurement processes. Such meetings will be open to the public. In addition, the Chairs of the House Rules and House Appropriations Committees and Chairs of Senate Rules and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees may request the workgroup review procurement related proposals in advance of upcoming legislative sessions to better understand potential impacts prior to the start of the annual General Assembly Session.